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A major Japanese company

A major Japanese company on disputes with its key sub-contractors on the Duyen Hai 3 Coal-Fired Power Plant Extension Project in Vietnam

Armstrong Asset Management

Armstrong Asset Management on the auction sale to AboitizPower for US$46 million of a 39.4MW wind farm in Vietnam, one of the first wind farms in Vietnam and the first to be financed on a non-recourse basis)

Nexif Energy

Nexif Energy on the US$600 million sale of its renewable energy assets platform in Asia and Australia, including a portfolio of multiple operating renewable power plants in Vietnam, to Ratch through a bidding process

Standard Chartered Bank, BNP Paribas and CACIB

The lenders (Standard Chartered Bank, BNP Paribas and CACIB) on a US$175 million reserve-based loan to SOCO SEA Limited, based on reserves from the Te Giac Trang field in the Block 16-1 PSC Contract Area and the Ca Ngu Vang field in the Block 9-1 PSC Contract Area, both in the Cuu Long Basin offshore from Vietnam

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Marubeni Corporation

Marubeni Corporation on a US$200 million supply contract for two 300MW pulverised coal boilers, forming part of the US$990 million Nghi Son 1 project in Vietnam 

Chinese infrastructure investment fund

We advised a Chinese infrastructure investment fund and their appointed receivers on the enforcement of security following a default under a convertible bond issued by the holding company of a telecoms infrastructure operator in Hong Kong. The security package included 100% of shares in the operating company, which holds the telecommunication and regulatory licences. Our Finance, Litigation, Employment teams worked together to prevent removal of customer records and IT equipment, fend off intra-group claims and employee claims, and defeat a competing creditor's attempt to have provisional liquidators appointed. Our Finance team structured a credit bid to sell the company to an SPV of the investment fund. Drawing from the expertise of our TMT practice, we made sure that all the regulatory and licensing requirements on change of control are met. A clean receivership sale was ultimately made possible.

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Key contacts

Aaron White photo

Aaron White

Partner, Brisbane

Aaron White
Michael Jacobs photo

Michael Jacobs

Partner, London

Michael Jacobs
Victor Chiew photo

Victor Chiew

Partner, Singapore

Victor Chiew
Elizabeth Henderson photo

Elizabeth Henderson

Partner, Co-Head of Venture Capital (Australia), Sydney

Elizabeth Henderson
Peter Dunne photo

Peter Dunne

Co-Head of Venture Capital, Sydney

Peter Dunne
Gavin Guo photo

Gavin Guo

Partner, Kewei, Shanghai

Gavin Guo
Clayton James photo

Clayton James

Partner, Sydney

Clayton James
Dylan Doran Kennett photo

Dylan Doran Kennett

Partner, London

Dylan Doran Kennett