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Our series on big data and enforcement assesses how oceans of data will help and hamper the fight against corporate wrong-doing

The growth in volume and complexity of information available has had a tremendous impact on international commerce, and rapidly changing the way in which regulators and law enforcement conduct an investigation. For businesses, data provides significant commercial opportunities and the ability to reduce compliance costs through data analytics. Though, as the volume of data generated increases, regulators’ expectations of monitoring, detection and reporting capabilities also evolves.

Our new Byte of Big Data: Investigations and Enforcement Series explores the key themes of this new era, and highlights how businesses need to prepare in a changing landscape. Our first topic in the series is "Monitoring for misconduct".

Monitoring for misconduct

In the same way that big data is changing the way business is done, it is also changing the face of white collar crime and, as a result, how that misconduct is detected, investigated and prosecuted. Meeting compliance expectations, conducting internal investigations and managing government agencies during enforcement are all becoming more complex. Click on the links below to read articles on this theme.



Latest Thinking

Big data is transforming investigations

This article gives context to this changing investigations and enforcement landscape and highlights the importance for businesses to better prepare for an investigation and minimise the impact of regulatory action.

Read more


Key contacts

Peter Jones photo

Peter Jones

Partner, Sydney

Peter Jones
Kate Meakin photo

Kate Meakin

Partner, London

Kate Meakin
Jacqueline Wootton photo

Jacqueline Wootton

Partner, Brisbane

Jacqueline Wootton
Elizabeth Macknay photo

Elizabeth Macknay

Managing Partner, Perth Office, Perth

Elizabeth Macknay
Kyle Wombolt photo

Kyle Wombolt

Partner, Global Head - Corporate Crime and Investigations, Hong Kong

Kyle Wombolt
John O'Donnell photo

John O'Donnell

Partner, New York

John O'Donnell
Hannah Cassidy photo

Hannah Cassidy

Partner, Head of Financial Services Regulatory, Asia, Hong Kong

Hannah Cassidy
Africa Group Bangkok Belfast (ALT) Brisbane Brussels Dubai Germany Hong Kong India Group Israel Group Jakarta Johannesburg Kazakhstan Group Kuala Lumpur Latin America Group London Madrid Mainland China Melbourne Milan New York Nordic Group Paris Perth Riyadh Korea Group Singapore Swiss Group Sydney Tokyo Ukraine Group Data and Privacy Peter Jones Kate Meakin Jacqueline Wootton Elizabeth Macknay Kyle Wombolt John O'Donnell Hannah Cassidy