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Jake is an Associate and Solicitor Advocate in our international arbitration practice.

Jake specialises in international arbitration and commercial litigation with a particular focus on the energy, banking and, hospitality sectors. His practice comprises multi-jurisdictional work and has involved advising and representing clients in disputes under major arbitral rules (including the DIFC-LCIA, ICC, and SIAC Rules).
He was admitted as a solicitor in England and Wales in 2017 and is currently based in our London office, having also spent six months with the international arbitration group in Paris and on secondment to the Regulatory Litigation and Strategic Counselling team in British American Tobacco. 
Jake has completed his Higher Rights qualification to become a solicitor advocate and his advocacy experience includes regular appearances before the Immigration Tribunal, County Court and High Court.


Jake studied Law at Oxford University, St John’s College, graduating in 2014. Jake joined the firm as a trainee in 2015 and qualified into our Dispute Resolution practice in 2017, specialising in Commercial Litigation and International Arbitration.

Experience & expertise

Selected matters

  • a leading global hotel chain in a DIFC-LCIA arbitration against an Owner arising out of disputes regarding non-payment of fees and alleged mismanagement. The arbitration included a number of complex issues regarding hotel management and applications for interim relief and partial summary judgment
  • Two oil and gas production companies in an ICC arbitration with a State and a State-owned company relating to withdrawal from a producing Block in the Middle East, including questions of the extension of the operating licence and drilling rights, and aspects of contractual performance
  • ACP Axos in ICSID proceedings brought against the Republic of Kosovo under the Germany – Yugoslavia BIT. The proceedings were commenced following the cancellation of the privatisation of Post and Telecommunications of Kosovo J.S.C. in December 2013
  • Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc in its defence of a High Court claim by large groups of investors in its £12 billion rights issue in April 2008
  • Single Buoy Moorings Inc in Commercial Court proceedings on a US$1.3 billion construction all risks insurance claim concerning the Yme platform in the North Sea