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Pablo García Mexía

Consultant - Head of Digital Law, Madrid

Pablo leads our Digital and TMT law practice in Madrid. He has been described as “one of the big European leaders in this field” (Council of Europe, Austrian Presidency, 2014).

He has experience in providing legal advice on matters related to digital regulation to national and international companies, as well as public institutions.

Pablo has performed as an Arbitrator with the World Bank (ICSID), an international consultant with the United Nations and the European Union, has been Director of Human Resources of the Senate of Spain, Secretary General of Madrid´s Regional Parliament and Director of International Relations of Spain´s Congress of Deputies.


  • Cruz de oficial de la Orden de Isabel la Católica (a decoration granted by the King of Spain)
  • ISACA 2019 Award to Exceptional Achievement in Legal Cybersecurity


As author or director

  • Cryptoregulation in a Nutshell”, Wolters Kluwer (2020)
  • The Open Internet. Regulatory Challenges of a Network Born Free”, RDU Editores (2018)
  • “Código de las Telecomunicaciones”, Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado (2015)
  • “Derechos y libertades, internet y tics”, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch (2014)
  • “Historias de Internet. Casos y cosas de la Red de redes”, Tirant Humanidades (2012)
  • European Internet Law”, Netbiblo S.L. (2009)
  • “Principios de derecho de Internet”, Librería Tirant lo Blanch, S.L. 2nd ed. (2005)
  • “Principios de derecho de Internet”, Librería Tirant lo Blanch, S.L. (2002)

Contribuciones en obras colectivas

  • “El nuevo marco regulatorio derivado del Reglamento Europeo de Protección de Datos”, J. López Calvo, dir. Wolters Kluwer (2018)
  • Reglamento general de protección de datos. Hacia un nuevo modelo europeo de privacidad. J.L. Piñar Mañas, dir. Reus. (2016)
  • “El Derecho de Internet”, F. Pérez Bes, dir. Atelier (2016)
  • “Abuso de Internet”, E. Etxeburúa, dir. Ediciones Pirámide (2016)
  • “Empresa, protección de datos y administración electrónica”, F. Suárez Lorenzo, dir. Colegio Profesional de Ingeniería en Informática de Galicia (2010)
  • “La Legge sulla Privacy dieci anni dopo”, G. Ferrari, dir. EGEA (2008)


Counsel with the Spanish Parliament (Letrado de las Cortes Generales). Co-founder of, a private think-tank.

PhD. in Law (cum laude, Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Research Fellow at Harvard Law School, he attended postgraduate courses at IE Business School, the University of Kent at Canterbury and the University CEU-San Pablo.

Co-Director of the Postgraduate Degree in data protection at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and Director of the specialized review "Revista de Privacidad y Derecho Digital". Pablo is a former Visiting Professor of Law at The College of William & Mary (Virginia, USA). He is the author of nine books (in English or Spanish) and editor of another four on various legal issues, especially those connected to the Internet. He has written over 50 articles in scholarly reviews.