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The questionnaire below is for businesses across all sectors seeking to benchmark their progress against key biodiversity-related considerations from a governance and due process perspective. It serves as a useful tool for boards seeking to understand how their business is managing biodiversity-related risks and to position themselves to take advantage of opportunities. To this end, the questionnaire focuses on the four broad categories of: (a) people; (b) policies; (c) operations; and (d) locations. 

         A. People


What level of understanding do the leaders of your business have about the biodiversity- and nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities of your business?   

H / M / L


What level of skills do the leaders of your business have to manage and address those dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities?

Might they require additional training to address these issues?

H / M / L



Y / N


What level of clarity is there in your business structure regarding governance of biodiversity-related issues and their interaction with operational, financial, ESG, climate and other relevant considerations?

H / M / L


Do teams other than the environmental/sustainability team have a defined role in managing or coordinating on biodiversity issues?

Y / N


What level of training does your business give employees on biodiversity-related issues?

H / M / L


Does your business communicate its biodiversity policies and objectives to employees, and communicate its compliance with or progress against any biodiversity objectives or commitments?

Y / N


Are your employees encouraged to raise biodiversity concerns?

Y / N


Does your business have a whistleblowing policy in place to protect employees who raise concerns regarding biodiversity issues?

Y / N

         B. Policies


Has your business set procedures for identifying, assessing, addressing, and reporting on its biodiversity-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities?

Y / N


If so, to what extent has your business considered alignment with relevant standards set by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, the International Financial Reporting Standards S1 (general requirements for disclosures of sustainability-related financial information), the European Sustainability Reporting Standards and Global Reporting Initiative 304?

H / M / L


To what extent are material biodiversity-related risks and opportunities linked to financial risks and to directors’ duties in your company’s governance structure?

H / M / L


To what extent are the current data collection and data analysis capabilities of your business effective in understanding and managing biodiversity matters?

H / M / L


To what extent has your business developed a strategy for reducing its key biodiversity impacts and dependencies or addressing biodiversity risks and opportunities?

H / M / L


If so, to what extent is this strategy integrated with your business’ broader objectives, decision-making, and governance framework?

H / M / L


Has your business set science-based, measurable, actionable, and time-bound targets to reduce any of its biodiversity impacts and dependencies?

H / M / L


If so, do these targets cover all aspects of your business' interactions with biodiversity, including pollution, waste management, climate change and water?

Y / N


What level of engagement does your business currently have with stakeholders about biodiversity-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities of the business?

H / M / L


Has your business partnered with other organisations to collaborate on addressing biodiversity-related risks and pursuing opportunities?

Y / N


To what extent has your business reviewed its professional associations, memberships and lobbying activities to consider alignment with the biodiversity objectives and strategy of your business? 

H / M / L

​       C. Operations


To what extent has your business assessed which stages or activities of its operations have the greatest impacts and dependencies on biodiversity?

H / M / L


What level of analysis has your business done regarding upstream biodiversity interactions including from sourcing of its materials?

H / M / L


What level of analysis has your business done regarding downstream biodiversity impacts including end-of-life of outputs or products?

H / M / L


If your business relies on biodiversity-rich inputs, to what extent has your business put in place contingency plans in case those inputs become limited or unavailable?

H / M / L


If your business activities (including manufacturing and distribution) may result in biodiversity harms, to what extent has your business put in place measures to avoid, minimise or mitigate such harms?  

H / M / L


If your business activities may result in biodiversity harms, to what extent has your business identified opportunities to offset such impacts, including verification and reporting on offset effectiveness?

H / M / L


To what extent has your business adopted a circular economy approach to reducing its impacts on biodiversity?

H / M / L


Has your business identified any easy wins or pilot projects that may assist in developing a broader biodiversity strategy for the business?

H / M / L

       D. Locations


To what extent has your business assessed its biodiversity-related risks and opportunities in each location in which it operates?  

H / M / L


To what extent has your business assessed regulatory and transition risk arising from current and foreshadowed environmental regulation in each location in which it operates?

H / M / L


To what extent has your assessment of biodiversity-related risks and opportunities had specific regard to the context of the industry in which your business operates?

H / M / L


If your business operates near, or may impact on, an environmentally sensitive area, to what extent has your business put in place measures to address this?

H / M / L


To what extent has your business considered the potential for climate change to increase the biodiversity-related risks arising in a particular location, region or affecting an industry in which it operates?

H / M / L

Key contacts

Heidi Asten photo

Heidi Asten

Partner, Melbourne

Heidi Asten
Rachel Foo photo

Rachel Foo

Senior Associate, Melbourne

Rachel Foo
Silke Goldberg photo

Silke Goldberg

Partner, London

Silke Goldberg
Rebecca Perlman photo

Rebecca Perlman

Partner, London

Rebecca Perlman
Natalie Shippen photo

Natalie Shippen

Professional Support Lawyer, London

Natalie Shippen

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ESG Heidi Asten Rachel Foo Silke Goldberg Rebecca Perlman Natalie Shippen