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Liz specialises in commercial dispute resolution with a focus on commercial litigation, class actions and regulatory investigations.

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As Head of the Brisbane Disputes Group, Liz is an experienced commercial litigator, advising clients in a number of different sectors. 

Liz specialises in commercial and regulatory disputes and litigation, class actions and public law litigation. Her expertise spans a number of industries including the mining and resources, banking, manufacturing and construction and infrastructure sectors.

Liz acts in proceedings in the Supreme Court of Queensland, the Federal Court of Australia, the High Court of Australia and other state Supreme Courts. She is focussed on commercial outcomes for her clients, including avoiding litigation where possible. Liz has extensive experience in alternative dispute resolution processes, including in international arbitrations (including ICC, HKIAC, SIAC and CIETAC arbitrations), negotiations, mediations and expert determinations. Liz also has experience in the design of large scale dispute resolution processes.


Liz holds a Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) from the University of Sydney.

Liz has worked in HSF’s Sydney, Brisbane, Hong Kong and Shanghai offices.


Liz continues to be ranked by Best Lawyers in Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution and International Arbitration. She is also ranked in Doyles Guide as a leading Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Lawyer and a leading Construction & Infrastructure Lawyer in Queensland.

Experience & expertise

Selected matters

  • for two contractors defending shareholder class action proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia concerning motorway traffic forecasts
  • at first instance, on appeal and in the High Court of Australia in the Fostif v Campbells Cash & Carry class action
  • for a number of Queensland coal producers in judicial review proceedings in the Supreme Court of Queensland arising out of a Queensland Competition Authority’s decision
  • for a global mining company in relation to judicial review proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia arising from the grant of mining lease approvals under the Native Title Act 1995 (Cth)
  • for a major bank in relation to the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry
  • for an Australian corporation in relation to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
  • for a global pharmaceutical company in an ICC international arbitration in relation to a failed JV partnership
  • for a global mining company in a CIETAC international arbitration in relation to the supply of mining equipment
  • for an Australian corporation in relation to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
  • for an energy company in a major dispute with its EPC contractor, which involved responding to rolling claims under security for payments legislation and the development of a broader disputes strategy.