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60 second Q&A with Linda Ling

What was your career path like? Did you always want to work in this field?

After graduating from university, I didn't really have a solid career plan. I applied for several different jobs and the experience of working in an international environment appealed to me the most, so I chose to be a Training Assistant in an MNC as my first job. It turns out that the first decision has been one of the most important ones in my life, as I have spent my last 13 years, my whole career, in the training field for several international professional services companies and I always consider myself a lucky person, because I have found a job that I love and that also suits me. 

What do you wish someone had told you early in your career?

Being Chinese (Asian) and working in an international working environment isn't always easy. The Western and Chinese cultures have many differences in the way of thinking and doing things, and you have to make sure that your voice is heard. It takes time and effort in learning how to question and challenge rather than listen and obey.  I wish someone encouraged me to always speak my thoughts, challenge the way in which things are done, and have a questioning mind-set in my early career. 

What tips do you have for all the women coming up behind you?

Step out of your comfort zone! Be willing to take on challenges, to try something new to explore your potential. Life is a journey of learning, so no harm in trying! 

What woman inspires you and why?

I admire women have so many "war wounds". They are mothers/professionals/volunteers/marathon runners/etc. Because I know it's not easy to take on so many responsibilities as a woman in either society or family, so I always see them as role models. 

Where do you see the future taking you?

There are so many possibilities out there so I don't have an answer. I live in the present. I like to have a few short term objectives and then do my best to achieve them. I believe that I'm preparing for wherever the future takes me. 

Hong Kong