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Corporate disclosure and insider dealing remain high on the agenda of financial regulators around the world.

As financial transactions and market activities become ever more complicated and global, listed companies and financial market participants face greater levels of complexity in their need to understand their obligations when handling inside information, wherever they operate.

With regulators taking sometimes substantively different approaches to fundamental concepts, market practice in one jurisdiction may well be prohibited conduct in another. The ongoing significant regulatory reform in this area makes the task of managing these risks yet more challenging.   

This guide now covers 20 jurisdictions, including all the major financial centres of in Asia as well as Australia, Germany, France, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Each chapter contains a list of questions and answers which provide an overview for that jurisdiction of:

  • the disclosure obligations of listed companies
  • the consequences of failing to fulfil those obligations
  • the scope of the insider dealing regime
  • any civil, criminal or disciplinary liability for breach or non-compliance

This guide will be a valuable resource to help navigate an area which has often given rise to high profile and difficult issues, particularly in a cross-border context.

To request a copy of the guide, please email

Key contacts

Andrew Procter photo

Andrew Procter

Consultant, London

Andrew Procter
Jenny Stainsby photo

Jenny Stainsby

Global Head – Financial Services Regulatory, London

Jenny Stainsby
Luke Hastings photo

Luke Hastings

Partner, Sydney

Luke Hastings
Australia Mainland China Brisbane Dubai Hong Kong Germany Jakarta London Madrid Bangkok Melbourne New York Paris Perth Korea Group Singapore Sydney Asia Johannesburg Brussels Tokyo Financial Services Regulatory Asset and Wealth Management Banks Financial Institutions Insurance Andrew Procter Jenny Stainsby Luke Hastings