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Leading international law firm Herbert Smith Freehills and its associate firm Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung have advised China's Silk Road Fund on a strategic partnership with PT Kimia Farma Tbk, jointly with Indonesia Investment Authority (INA).

国际领先的律师事务所史密夫斐尔和印尼联营所Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung就中国丝路基金和印度尼西亚投资局 ("INA") 与印尼国有医药企业PT Kimia Farma Tbk签署战略合作协议提供法律咨询。

Indonesia's vice minister of state-owned enterprises Pahala Mansury attended the signing ceremony on the stage of the B20 Indonesia in Bali on 13 November 2022. Herbert Smith Freehills CEO Justin D’Agostino attended B20, the business dialogue preceding the G20, and was present for the signing ceremony.

As part of the partnership, Silk Road Fund and INA will participate in a planned rights issuance in Kimia Farma and invest in its subsidiary PT Kimia Farma Apotek.

Beijing corporate partner Monica Sun led a cross-border team advising Silk Road Fund on the deal, supported by Beijing associate Yilin Pei.

"We are honoured to have advised Silk Road Fund on such a high-profile transaction that will help achieve its strategic goals under the Belt and Road initiative," said Monica. "Our regional and global presence in multiple jurisdictions and sectors help us answer clients' needs."

In Jakarta, HBT partner Stephanie, Jakarta partner Cellia Cognard and HBT senior associate Rebecca Ayuyantrie advised Silk Road Fund on Indonesian law aspects of the transaction, with HBT partner Santi Darmawan advising on foreign investment issues.

"This transaction is one of the latest global investments in Indonesia on which we have advised," said Stephanie. "Indonesia is a dynamic market, with ever-increasing investment in healthcare services, energy transition and consumer goods and services."

"Watching this deal sign on the main stage of the B20, knowing our involvement, was an enormous honour," said CEO Justin D'Agostino. "This transaction reflects our strength in Southeast Asia, including Jakarta, and we look forward to further expansion there to support immense client interest in Southeast Asian markets."

2022年11月13日,印尼国企事务部第一副部长Pahala Mansury出席了在巴厘岛举行的签字仪式。该签字仪式在二十国集团 (G20) 前的商业对话平台二十国集团工商峰会 (B20) 期间举行。史密夫斐尔全球首席执行官欧智乐 (Justin D’Agostino) 参加了此次二十国集团工商峰会,并出席了签字仪式。

根据该战略合作关系,丝路基金和INA将参与Kimia Farma的股权增发,用于投资其子公司PT Kimia Farma Apotek。

史密夫斐尔北京办公室合伙人孙晔律师率领跨境律师团队为丝路基金就该笔交易提供法律咨询,北京办公室裴一林 (Associate) 提供支持。


HBT合伙人Stephanie、史密夫斐尔雅加达办公室合伙人Cellia Cognard和HBT Rebecca Ayuyantrie (Senior Associate) 在该笔交易中就印尼法律为丝路基金提供咨询。HBT合伙人Santi Darmawan就印尼外国投资法律提供咨询。



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Mainland China Corporate Foreign Direct Investment Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Monica Sun