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Developers and planners need to start preparing now for the future impacts of autonomous vehicles, Matthew White suggests in his article for Planning Magazine, published on Friday 15 December 2017.

The article takes the form of a Q&A with Matthew answering the following questions:

  • What support are the government and the private sector providing for driverless car technology?
  • Is there any evidence that driverless cars will become widespread on UK roads?
  • What key planning and development issues does the spread of driverless cars raise?
  • How could the rise of driverless cars impact on local authority planners?
  • What particular implications does it present to developers?
  • Should planners prepare for the impact of driverless cars now?

Please click here to read the article from Planning Magazine (paywall).

See also Matthew’s previous blog post on a similar topic here.

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Matthew White

Partner, London

Matthew White
London Real Estate Environment, Planning and Communities Real Estate Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Matthew White