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Leading international law firm Herbert Smith Freehills has advised China International Capital Corporation as the sole sponsor of LEPU ScienTech Medical Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (02291.HK)'s listing on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

LEPU ScienTech specialises in the research, development, manufacture and commercialisation of interventional medical devices primarily targeting structural heart diseases, with a track record spanning over two decades. LEPU ScienTech listed on 8 November 2022.

"We congratulate LEPU ScienTech, one of the leading medical device manufacturers, on beginning its new chapter by listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange," said Hong Kong partner Matt Emsley. "We are delighted to have worked with the company and the sole sponsor on this IPO and wish them continued success."

Herbert Smith Freehills leads the legal market in advising sponsors and underwriters on Hong Kong IPOs. In the past ten months of 2022, Herbert Smith Freehills has advised on eight successful listings in Hong Kong, ranking second among 44 international and local law firms in Hong Kong, according to Ryanben Capital.

"We have maintained a robust record of advising Chinese companies seeking listings on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange despite volatile market conditions," said Herbert Smith Freehills Kewei joint operation partner Stanley Xie. "With proven expertise in advising on high-profile capital markets transactions, we look forward to continuing our support to clients on their fundraising activities."

"Earlier this year we have also successfully assisted Lepu Biopharma Co., Ltd. (02157.HK) with its mainboard listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange," said Hong Kong senior registered foreign lawyer Jin Kong. "We have been able to help many healthcare and biotech companies achieve growth via fundraising activities through capital markets in the past three years."

Partners Matt, Stanley and Jin jointly led the team advising the sole sponsor, assisted by senior associate Echo Shen, associates Kaiwen Sun and Eric Yeung, registered foreign lawyer (associate) Sean Gao, legal manager Hillary Chong, and trainee solicitor Yat Yi Lung. Counsel Agatha Shen, registered foreign lawyer (of counsel) Ariel Lin, senior associate Jaime Fong, associates Crystal Chan and Sean Ji, registered foreign lawyer (legal manager) Ray Xu, and legal assistants Han Ye, Tiffany Chan and June Yip also provided support.

Legal manager Marine Jin led Herbert Smith Freehills Kewei Joint Operation’s Alternative Legal Services business to provide high-efficiency solutions for verification and other document-intensive processes during the listing, assisted by senior legal analyst Shawna Peng.



史密夫斐尔香港办公室合伙人艾迈修(Matt Emsley)表示:“乐普心泰医疗是领先的医疗器械制造商之一,祝贺公司在联交所上市,开启新的篇章。我们非常荣幸在这次IPO中与乐普心泰医疗和保荐人合作,衷心祝愿他们不断取得成功。”

史密夫斐尔在为保荐人和承销人就香港IPO上市提供法律服务方面处于市场领先地位。根据瑞恩资本(Ryanben Capital)的数据,本所在2022年前十个月里为8家公司在香港上市提供法律服务,在香港44家国际和本土律所中名列第二。

科伟史密夫斐尔联营办公室合伙人谢守德(Stanley Xie)表示:“尽管市场状况不稳定,我们在为寻求香港上市的中国公司提供咨询方面一直保持着优秀记录。凭借在为备受瞩目的资本市场交易提供法律咨询方面的过硬实力,我们期待继续为客户就融资活动提供支持。”

史密夫斐尔香港办公室合伙人(高级注册外国律师)孔瑾(Jin Kong)表示:“今年早些时候,我们助力乐普生物(02157.HK)成功在香港联交所主板上市。过去三年,我们助力了众多医疗健康和生物科技公司通过资本市场融资实现成长。”

合伙人艾迈修、谢守德和孔瑾率领律师团队为此次上市的独家保荐人提供法律服务。主要团队成员包括沈黄贇(Senior Associate)、孙凯文(Associate)、杨俊熙(Associate)、高炜华(Registered Foreign Lawyer)、种欢子(Legal Manager)和龙逸怡 (Trainee Solicitor)。沈雪琦(Counsel)、林苡萱(Registered Foreign Lawyer)、方靖颐(Senior Associate)、陈念彤(Associate)、季晓源(Associate)、徐睿翔(Registered Foreign Lawyer)、叶晗(Legal Assistant)、陈可宜(Legal Assistant)和叶泳津(Legal Assistant)也为该笔交易提供了支持。

金燊(Legal Manager)率领的科伟史密夫斐尔联营办公室替代性法律服务(ALT)联合团队在上市项目期间为招股书验证及其他文件密集型工作提供高效率的解决方案。彭祺程 (Senior Legal Analyst)提供支持。

Key contacts

艾迈修 photo


大中华区管理合伙人, Hong Kong

谢守德 photo


, 上海

Jin Kong photo

Jin Kong

Senior Foreign Registered Lawyer (USA – New York), Hong Kong

Jin Kong

Media contact

For further information on this article please contact

Sally Greig

Head of Communications, Asia

Hong Kong

Media contact

For further information on this article please contact

Vivian Huang

Communications Manager, China


Hong Kong Mainland China Capital Markets Corporate Equity Capital Markets Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Healthcare Diagnostics and medical Devices Matthew Emsley Stanley Xie Jin Kong